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Services of formation and setting up of Swiss companies

My Swiss Company SA offers a comprehensive range of services for the establishment and implementation of businesses in Switzerland. In addition to our business formation services, we also provide administration and resident management services, accounting, payroll management, work permits, and taxation services. With a team of dedicated experts, we accompany you at every step of your entrepreneurial journey in Switzerland, ensuring that all legal and tax requirements are met effectively and professionally.

My Swiss Company SA proposes services of formation, setting up and administration of companies in Lucerne, Zug, Geneva, Neuchatel, Fribourg, Lausanne and Zurich, financial advisory services, and tax and legal advisory services in Switzerland.

Setting up and formation of financial and trading companies in Switzerland, formation and administration of Swiss limited company, formation and administration of Swiss LLC company, formation and administration of holdings, associations and Swiss foundations, and setting up and domiciliation of companies in Lucerne, Zug and Geneva.

Switzerland is one of the world’s best countries in which to form a company. The framework conditions are extremely favourable. The legal and tax system offer many advantages, its political stability is recognised, corporate tax is low, Swiss towns are often said to be among the world’s most pleasant, the quality of life is excellent, productivity is high, infrastructures are modern and high performance, labour law is flexible and Switzerland is strategically located at the centre of Europe

Setting up a business in Switzerland may seem complex, but with the right information and, above all, the right advice, it can be a feasible task. The choice of legal structure is one of the most important decisions entrepreneurs have to make when starting a business. In Switzerland, the four most common types of company are the GmbH, the AG, the holding company and the branch office. Each type of company has unique advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to understand the differences before making a decision.

The LLC (limited liability company) is a popular business for entrepreneurs because of its simplicity and flexibility. It offers limited liability protection for the owners, which means that the debts of the business are not personal to the owners. The LLC is also advantageous in terms of paid up capital as the minimum is CHF 20’000. In addition, setting up a limited liability company is relatively quick and inexpensive.

Another common option for entrepreneurs is the SA (société anonyme) Swiss corporation or Swiss joint stock company. It is often used for large-scale businesses that require significant capital. Shares can be sold publicly, making it easier to raise funds. The SA also offers limited liability protection for the owners, but is more complex to set up than a LLC. The SA is subject to a more important paid -up capital as the minimum is CHF 100’000.

The Swiss holding company is a legal structure used to hold shares in other companies. It allows a company to hold stakes in several companies without having to create several separate legal structures. The advantages of a holding company are related to asset and risk management. The owners of a holding company have limited liability for the activities of their subsidiaries, which means that the debts of the subsidiary are not personal to the owners of the holding company. In addition, the holding company can benefit from tax advantages.

The Swiss branch office is an additional option for entrepreneurs seeking to create a presence in Switzerland. A branch office is a subsidiary of a foreign company that has a physical presence in Switzerland. It is considered an extension of the foreign company rather than a separate legal entity.

One of the advantages of a branch office is that the foreign company can use its own name to operate in Switzerland, which can be beneficial to its reputation and brand recognition. The costs of setting up a branch office are generally lower than setting up a company in Switzerland, as there is no need to create a separate legal entity.

Another advantage is that the profits of the branch can be repatriated to the foreign company without being subject to double taxation. However, it should be noted that the branch may be subject to Swiss tax laws and taxes on profits.

The branch office can also be beneficial for foreign companies seeking to enter the Swiss market. It can help establish a local presence and facilitate business transactions with Swiss customers. In addition, the branch office can make it easier for foreign companies to comply with regulatory and legal requirements in Switzerland.

However, it is important to note that the branch office is considered an extension of the foreign company and the foreign company remains responsible for all legal and financial obligations of the branch office. The branch office does not have a separate legal personality and may not offer the same limited liability protection as other legal structures.

In conclusion, the branch office is a viable option for foreign companies seeking to establish a presence in Switzerland. It can offer advantages such as lower set-up costs and local presence, but it can also present challenges such as the legal and tax liability of the foreign company. Entrepreneurs should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of the branch office compared to other legal structures before making a decision.

In summary, the LLC, the AG, the holding company and the branch office are the most common legal structures for international entrepreneurs in Switzerland. Each offers unique advantages in terms of liability, taxes and asset management. It is important to understand the differences between these types of companies before making a decision. If you are considering starting a business in Switzerland, it is advisable to consult My Swiss Company for professional advice on choosing the most appropriate legal structure for your business.

The formation of a company in Switzerland is a formal procedure since it requires an officially recorded deed drawn up by a public notary. The founding capital must be deposited in a bank account that must be opened before the company is incorporated. Consequently, it is paramount for these stages to be accomplished by experts who can advise you on the choice of the best legal structure.

We provide advice both on founding and creating simple structures and on complex structures such as a Swiss private limited company (SA), Swiss limited liability company (Sàrl), Swiss subsidiaries of international companies, holdings, branches, Swiss branches of international companies, associations, financial companies, family foundations and Swiss nonprofit foundations.

Formation and setting up of companies in Switzerland

Services of formation and setting up of companies in Switzerland, holdings and foundations

We accomplish all the administrative formalities for the formation and administration of your financial or trading company, holding company, or Swiss foundation registered in Lucerne, Zug or Geneva, and its recording in the Trade Register. For this, we prepare the articles of association and the founding documents, and we represent you before banks, the solicitor and Swiss authorities.

We regularly advise and administer financial companies, trading companies, holdings, and private or public utility foundations in Switzerland.


Nominee director in Switzerland, Swiss director or administrator 

Switzerland requires companies and foundations to be represented by at least one person resident in Switzerland. An administrator, a manager or a director must therefore meet this requirement. 
We can propose a Swiss nominee director a Swiss director or a local manager to meet this condition and represent your company before authorities in Switzerland or internationally. Your administrator, nominee director, Swiss director or Swiss agent is experienced and trustworthy, and strictly follows your instructions to protect the best interests of your trading company, holding company or Swiss foundation.

Services of administration of trading companies, holdings and foundations

My Swiss Company deals with all standard tasks, notably:

  • Accounting management and tax declarations
  • Account auditing
  • VAT declarations in Switzerland and Europe
  • Payroll management
  • Secretarial services and dealing with correspondence
  • Management of compulsory insurance policies
  • General administration
  • Swiss work and residence permits

We can carry out additional tasks depending on the case, such as obtaining the Swiss work permit or residence permit for you or your staff.

We also offer administrative assistance for customs or transport formalities for merchandise import-export departments and the processing of related administrative documents. 

Services of domiciliation in Lucerne, Zug and Geneva

Once your Swiss company is domiciled with an address at one of our offices in Lucerne, Zug or Geneva. We transfer your mail, by post, email or via our Cloud interface, as chosen by you.

Contact us

Contact us to start your initial consultation now. We would be delighted to get to know you and define the next steps in your project.

T +41(0) 41 566 76 46 – Lucerne

T +41(0) 22 566 82 44 – Geneva

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